Zincofer S.r.l. Home Page The Company Quality About Environment The Production Control Tools Contacts Zincofer S.r.l.
Zincofer Srl company has been founded in 1979.
It has its own legal, administrative and production headquarters in Gallignano di Soncino (CR), and minor offices in Milan.
The company has in its premesis four employees and sixteen factory worker.
The production activity is performed in a modern building about 5.000 square meters large, on a dedicated industrial area of 10.500 square meters.
Zincofer S.r.l.
Zincofer S.r.l. Zincofer S.r.l.
Zincofer S.r.l.
The company perform electro galvanization of steel coils, to improve resistance to the oxidation.
Zincofer is very much interested in the respect for the enviroment and very much involved in the occupational health and safety, applying all the Italian and European regulations.
Zincofer S.r.l. Zincofer S.r.l.

Capital Stock 520.000€

R.E.A. Cremona 101346

Cod. Fis. e Reg. Imp. CR 00377910195
P. IVA 00748240199

26029 Gallignano di Soncino (CR)
Via Regina della Scala, 7

Milano Offices
20121 Milano
Via della Moscova 1

Zincofer S.r.l.